>> Big Love: Season 4 (PREVIEW)

Show: Big Love

Episode(s): Season 4

Genre: Drama

Starring: Bill Paxton, Chloe Sevigny, Jeanne Tripplehorn, Ginnifer Goodwin, Harry Dean Stanton, Amanda Seyfried, Douglas Smith, Grace Zabriskie

Network: HBO

Airdate/Time: January 10, 2010 9:00pm

Rating: 3.30 (out of 4.00)

Grade: B

Official Site

Big Love is an HBO program about a polygamist Mormon family living in Utah. It stars Bill Paxton, Chloë Sevigny, and Jeanne Tripplehorn and is in its fourth season. 

We last left off with Roman Grant, leader of Juniper Creek and wanted fugitive, being murdered at the hands of Joey Henrickson. Bill also made the big announcement of starting his own church. Season 4 has a lot to live up to with the way things ended. The season does open with a bang. Bill and his family dealing with the FBI and their investigation regarding Roman, after all, he is the father of Nicki. To make matters more complicated Bill has been planing to open a new casino with the local Indian reservation.

The whole story about a polygamist Mormon family can be awkward at times, although I'm not sure how closely it relates to Mormon beliefs.While it may seem nonchalant in the show, it does seem somewhat weird. The situations being dealt with, such as the casino and the FBI, ground the show in something we can all enjoy. 

Big Love is very different than the typical shows we see. It may take some getting adjusted too but is enjoyable and if you have HBO, I'd definitely say give it a chance. It'll be interesting to see where the 4th season takes us.



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