>> Life Unexpected: Season 2 (PREVIEW)

Show: Life UneXpected

Episode(s): Ocean Uncharted

Genre: Drama

Starring: Shiri Appleby, Kerr Smith, Brittany Robertson, Kristoffer Polaha

Network: The CW

Airdate/Time: September 14, 2010 9:00pm

Rating: 1.84 (out of 4.00)

Grade: C-

Official Site

Life Unexpected is back for a second go around with the season 2 premiere 'Ocean Uncharted'.  When Michelle reviewed the pilot episode last year she gave it a glowing review.  I saw it myself and, while not overly impressed, I saw that, if improved, it could have been a decent show, as far as CW shows go.

The show did improve, but not nearly enough to make it a stable show, especially one that would deserve a renew.  Last season was filled with whiny drama and twists that anyone could see coming if they've seen any of the many CW/WB shows throughout the years.  This episode picks up after the "shocking" marriage that ended last season on a cliffhanger as Baze stormed in to express his love.

The episode then delves into another WB cliche; a student is romantically interested in a teacher.  The difference here is that the student is a teen girl instead of a guy and the teacher is relatively young.  Unfortunately, this is about the only "out of the box" thinking that this show attempts to do.

Life Unexpected started off as something wholly unoriginal and it hasn't attempted to build it's own identity.  It's probably too late now.


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