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Georgina Reilly

Eddie: The Sleepwalking Cannibal

Director Boris Rodriguez's debut feature, Eddie: The Sleepwalking Cannibal, is a delicious blend of horror and black comedy.  Produced by companies in both Canada and Denmark, the film takes itself seriously enough to maintain a memorable story without becoming a parody of the genre.  A ... Read more

Eddie: The Sleepwalking Cannibal

Thure Lindhardt (Keep the Lights On) stars in this quirky horror-comedy as Lars, a former darling of the art scene slipping away into the land of has-beens and struggling with lack of inspiration.... Read more


Grant Mazzy loves to push people’s buttons, to try to open their minds and he does it by speaking his mind on the local morning radio show.... Read more


Grant Mazzy loves to push people’s buttons, to try to open their minds and he does it by speaking his mind on the local morning radio show.... Read more