Vanessa Lengies

Mixology: Bruce and Jessica

Bruce (played by Andrew Santino) has set his sights on the woman in the red dress, Jessica (played by Alexis Carra) but this might be the one woman that he just can't get.... Read more

Mixology (PREVIEW)

What can happen in one night with 10 different people while at a bar? If Tom (played by Blake Lee) and his friends Cal (played by Craig Frank) and Bruce (played by Andrew Santino) hope to find out at the bar called Mix.... Read more

HawthoRNe: The Complete First Season

TNT’s success with shows centered on strong heroines continued last summer with HawthoRNe, the Jada Pinkett Smith medical drama that shows hospital life from a nursing director’s point of view.  It focuses on compassionate, hardworking, and stubborn Christina Hawthorne (Pinkett Smith), w... Read more
Hawthorne Season 1

Hawthorne Season 1

TNT’s success with shows centered on strong heroines continued last summer with HawthoRNe, the Jada Pinkett Smith medical drama that shows hospital life from a nursing director’s point of view.  It focuses on compassionate, hardworking, and stubborn Christina Hawthorne (Pinkett Smith), w... Read more

Stick It

It is no secret that I was dreading this movie; but after watching it I felt that my fears were valid.  First enter the parent friendly rebel teenage girl complete with awful bad one-liner put downs and an attitude that is not rebellious just annoying.... Read more

Stick It

It is no secret that I was dreading this movie; but after watching it I felt that my fears were valid.  First enter the parent friendly rebel teenage girl complete with awful bad one-liner put downs and an attitude that is not rebellious just annoying.... Read more