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The Blue Planet: Seas of Life

TV Show
On DVD: 
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
On Blu-Ray: 
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Running Time: 
389 Minutes

This groundbreaking series from the BBC and Discovery winner of two Emmy(R) awards is now available on Blu-ray! The Emmy-winning The Blue Planet: Seas of Life is the definitive natural history of the world's oceans exploring everything from the popular shores and teeming shallows to the mysterious ocean depths. Sea birds and crustaceans inhabit the no-man's-land between earth and sea; sharks bask in the shallows waiting for prey; strange flower-like anemones bloom in the coral reefs; while in the deep canyons of the oceans weird creatures with huge jaws wait for something to sink down from the sunlit world. It's a journey that gets stranger and more awe-inspiring as it goes along. You will be in awe as you relive this truly historic series from the BBC and Discovery on Blu-ray.