>> Ultimate Spider-Man dies Captain America is returning from the dead, and what's with this Dark Reign and Silver Surfer

Ultimate Spider-Man dies Captain America is returning from the dead, and what's with this Dark Reign and Silver Surfer

It's been a little longer than I expected it would be for me to write a blog about the comics I've been reading. Reason why, laziness. So here I am to talk a little on the world that be comics.


First up for the comic talk is the Ultimatum.

Ok, so I think I gave this some talk but I can't get enough of it. I'm loving it and what sucks is that it's ending and it's changing things up in a major way. Here we have Magneto actually doing what in all the other comic titles on all the alternate worlds has only threatened to do. He has started to wipe out the homosapians, namely the humans with no mutant power. His first attack and so far as I can tell the only attack was to wipe out New York City. In the process of wiping it out millions of people have died. That includes heroes to villians to just plain ol' normal folk. Life has changed in the world of the Ultimate heroes and the most impressing but nothing new is the feelings J. Jonah Jameson has for Spider-Man. That's right J.J.J. has went from the biget of hating Spidey to being one of the Spidey believers. But was it in time?

I really like this cause the Ultimate titles did the ultimate stories that the other main titles never would. Mainly like having the villian destroy a city killing millions. As much as I love comics I never understood how some of these so called super villians could always fail at trying to do what they wanted. Ok, so I know these are supposed to still be a good guys win stories but that don't mean bad things don't happen. I've had many people tell me and have read interviews about why the heroes always wins. Like with Spider-Man he wins cause not only does he have super powers he is smarter than the villains he fights but wait a minute, ain't Doc Ock really smart? Not only are there some really smart villains but there are some that have powers that even smart can't stop. That would be like Magneto. This man can change the way the Earth rotates, just cause you're smart don't mean you will always stop someone with such power. So that's what the Ultimate titles do, sometime the heroes don't win and when they do they still have some sucky things happening to them. Such as Steve Rogers aka Captain America has been awaken to the future. In the main titles he just adapted like it was nothing of a change, maybe that's cause when he came out 1941 he was still living the life of a man in 1941. But in reality a person that was the age of WWII has been frozen and awakes in the future he is not going to be just hey let me hop on my computer and surf the net for some private jet to take me to Germany. Hell, I've been trying to help my parents download photos off their digital cameras onto the computer and they have been using both for years now. Getting to see Captain America in the Ultimate lines is fun because the man still thinks in terms of the 1930's to 1950's but tries to fit in the world he is in now with the flying cars, men in armor suits that fly, and does it in a way that shows that the man without the mask is having a hard time living.

Ok, I got off topic.


In Ultimate Spider-Man 133 (the last of this great and in my opinion best of all Spider-Man titles in a very long time) Spider-Man seemingly has died. Has he? I don't know. Do I think he has? No. I don't care what world/universe Spider-Man is in, he is Spider-Man and Peter Parker is the only one that can be him. Anyone can done the costume but the character of Peter Parker is what made Spider-Man great. So I can't see Marvel putting a different face under the mask. Now maybe they will change the attitude of him some but that can be understandable, he has to go through some phases that would change him with all that's happening to him.

What I liked about this comic, everything. What I didn't like about this comic, everything. I liked it cause it told a story with only the drawings. There is not one single word spoken in this title. Not a first time for this to happen but I think it's the first time for it to be done with the last issue of the title. The art work in this is amazing and breath taking and I do agree with words was not needed to convey the story or emotions in the issue. But that leads me to the gripes I have with there not being anything wrote. It's the last issue, it's a very intense issue, and lots of things are happening. I want to read what the characters are thinking, sure I can see they are having a hard time or are happy but reading that thought bubble/box telling me their exact feelings just adds to it, it don't take away from it. Not only that but with nothing to read it only takes a minute or two to flip through it. I had it finished before I knew it and had went through it two more times in the time it would take me to read half of comic with dialog. I just like having the comic last longer. The main gripe is the price of the comic. Pay that much for something that lasts 2 minutes and left me with wanting more from it. Don't get me wrong I really love this comic, the issue and the title and already have my subscription for the next title for Ultimate Spider-Man ordered but I also had those few groans from it. 

But I was saying about Jonah now being a fan of Spidey. 


In Ultimate Spider-Man Requiem Jonah Jameson has decided that even a dead and washed out New York City is not going to stop him from being the newspaper man he is and he is going to tell the world what is going on. Not only that he's going to tell the world that Spider-Man is a hero. But wait, ain't Spider-Man dead now? Well, this is what makes this first issue of the 2 issue special so great. Spider-Man always has had this image as the bad guy, mainly due to Jonah, but for some reason people don't like him. Even the heroes sometimes think he's not on the up and up when first meeting him. But it's always great to see how they react when they realize that Spider-Man is not just a normal super guy in tights. The one thing I always loved about Spider-Man was that he was this geeky guy that was really smart and cool at the same time. So when he would go and goof off with the Human Torch but then turn right around and talk to Reed Richards on his level that makes the character fun to read. So this title has that feeling. Jonah has that realization of just who Spider-Man is and it's showed well in this comic. Love it and want more of it. 

Ok this one I don't know much about yet cause the first comic just came out on Wednesday July 1 and I haven't even read it yet. But the title and the teaser poster is all you need to know about it. marvel.com/reborn/

Title: Reborn

It's taken them a year since Steve Rogers was shot and died so now he's finally coming back. Time for all the theories to start rolling out. Mine is that the one that was shot was a Skrull. But that could be too easy of an answer and one that everyone is thinking and Marvel knows that so my back up theory right now is that the one that was shot was a clone. Red Skull used a clone or had someone made to look like Steve Rogers become Captain America while the real one was put on ice somewhere, yet again. I don't know yet but I can't wait to start reading this title to find out. I've always liked the character, how can you not he has a shield. 

As for the Dark Reign title. Well, I'm just trying to figure out how long it's going to last. It seems to just be dragging on right now. It's still good but my funds are running low on how many 5 issue specials of Dark Reign (insert about 7 different titles here) I have to buy. Though I really do like it cause it's doing something that I was talking about earlier on in this long blog, the bad guys are winning, and winning big time. If you haven't picked this title up you should, even if it's just to read the main titles it's a good story line. 

Last to be on this blog.

I just got this from when I went to the Heroes Convention. Silver Surfer is a great character and is always fun to read. So far I've only read the first comic in this. It's the collected comics of Silver Surfer 1-18. The story line in it is still good, sure it's somewhat wrote in the older way and the art is all in black and white but for the price it cost it's so worth it. I can't wait to read more of this so I can start learning more about this character. Once I do expect more of me talking about him. 

Ok, that's it for now. It was long enough. I think the next time I write I will talk about the death of Bruce Wayne (really, is he dead? check out that last page in Final Crisis).


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