Expand Partners Dawn of the Planet of the Apes - July 11 Expand Partners
Lee Roberts's picture
By Lee Roberts

April 4 Brings A Captain, A Baby, and Maybe A New Bird

I would be remiss if I didn't say anything about the next Marvel movie that has been released today, Captain America: Winter Soldier. Though I can't say much more than that because I have yet to go watch it. I will before the weekend is out, but for now all I can say is that if you want to get an idea about the movie or you've already seen it and want another opinion, then check out the review here for some more info.

The artist Skottie Young has made the Marvel Babies popular with his variant covers. With the release of The Amazing Spider-Man #1 Vol. 3 this month, Skottie Young has drawn another baby variant cover that has Spider-Man hanging upside. Check it out.

Well, if that's not enough for you then you should check out this live action, yes, LIVE ACTION, Amazing Spider-Man/Spider-Baby commercial for Evian water. It's very impressive and I've watched a bunch of times.

If you are like me, a comic collector and a huge Spider-Man fan, then you should be looking forward to the release of Vol. 3 of The Amazing Spider-Man this month. With the restarting of the comic there comes the variant covers, the many, upon oh so many variant covers. I've already per-ordered 11 variant covers through MidTown Comics and there are still at least 4 other variant covers that are listed that I didn't order. So lets do a count already of variant covers that is being sold just through MidTown Comics only, 13, (I'm not counting the Skottie Young baby cover and the blank cover as a MidTown Comics exclusive because they will also be sold in shops).

If you think 13 is a lot well there's also the variants that will be release in comic shops. Right now I know of 9 variants that will be sold in shops and that will put our total at 22 covers. Is that all of them? I don't know, there probably will be some that I don't know about, like the Hastings Book Store that might get one or some other random unknown cover/artist that will pop up. Now I would like to be able to get all of them, that would be awesome as a collector, especially since this is my favorite character, but in reality I just can't afford to. When they put out the 1 in 200 variant (that means a comic shop/person has to buy 200 issues of the regular cover to get only 1 cover of a certain variant), which puts the price tag at a comic shop in a high figure range.

Who is this? Well, this might be a possible new Robin. I don't know, I don't even know who this person is yet because it is in Detective Comics #30. On the DC Comics website they posted this remark, “

like she has wings to help her fly”. Does this mean she is the next Robin? I don't know until it happens but the anticipation of who will take the role as Batman's sidekick has been rolling around since the death of his son and at the time current Robin, Damian.

There was also talk of the possible new Robins being either Harper Row or Carrie Kelly. With Harper Row becoming Bluebird the likelihood of her becoming the new Robin is very slim, though she could be in the Bluebird role while training and then take over as Robin. As for Carrie Kelly, that's still possible but not sure now that there is this new Anna Aguila on the scene.