>> Mark Harmon: The Interview (Certain Prey & NCIS)

Film: Certain Prey

Show: NCIS

Talent: Mark Harmon

Job: Actor (Deputy Lucas & Special Agent Gibbs)

Airdate/Time: November 6, 2011 9:00pm

Network: USA Network

Official Site

Interesting Tidbits

Mark studied Sign Language for various television roles.

Mark Harmon has starred in numerous movies and TV shows. He is best known for playing Special Agent Jethro Gibbs on the hit TV show “NCIS” (on CBS on Tuesdays at 8pm). However, he had the chance to play Deputy Chief Lucas Davenport on the USA Network produced movie, “Certain Prey,” which aired on Sunday, November 6th at 9pm. “Certain Prey” is based on the novel written by John Sanford. Lucas has to solve a murder case before the body count rises. Shakefire had the chance to talk to Mark Harmon about “Certain Prey” and “NCIS.”

SHAKEFIRE: Good Morning Mark. How are things going?
MARK HARMON: They are going well. Thank you!

SF: What attracted you to this movie and this particular role?
MH: As Lucas, I get to chases ladies and drive fast cars. He has a certain darkness to him that I really liked. Lucas’ character gives an actor a lot to lean on. As for the movie, I read all the books in the series and am a huge fan of John Sanford. I wanted to do everything I could to make sure I got Lucas right.

SF: What prep did you have to go through before playing this role?
MH: I had to grow my hair out because it is usually shorter on NCIS. I was already a huge fan of the book, the series, and the character, so the character background was already taken care of. I tried to be respectable and honest with portraying Lucas.

SF: What was the logic behind starting with this book (“Certain Prey”) in the series to make as a movie as opposed to the earlier books?
MH: Everyone felt it was a good jumping off point because we knew everything would not be concluded in 1 movie. Based on the movie’s reception, we could decide whether or not we wanted to make sequels to “Certain Prey.”

SF: USA Networks is very supportive of “NCIS” and “Certain Prey” was made specifically for their channel. How did this come about and what advantages did this give you in having this movie made?
MH: We love working with USA Networks and enjoy having them as a partner. “Certain Prey” has the benefit of being on cable instead of network TV. It was designed in an exciting way just for USA Networks. The people I worked with on both sides of the camera are great at what they do. The idea for a movie for “Certain Prey” developed about 2.5 years ago. I was able to film it during my hiatus from “NCIS.” It was a good idea and a great partnership for everyone involved. 

SF: How does your role of Lucas on “Certain Prey” differ from your role as Jethro on “NCIS”? Would they ever be able to work together if they were in the same universe?
MH: They are two very different people. The only things they have in common are their work ethic and their attempts to be righteous. In terms of them working together, I think they can do it, but Jethro would get tired of Lucas and there would be a lack in trust from the both of them. They both work in different ways.

SF: Speaking of “NCIS”, how do you keep things from becoming routine after working on “NCIS” for so long?
MH: Well, we are like a big happy family. We have worked together for about 8 years now and know each other pretty well. The writing for the show is always very sharp and exciting. It never feels like routine if it is something you enjoy doing and look forward too.

SF: By the way, my mom loves “NCIS” and has a huge crush on you.
MH: (Laughing) That’s good to know. I am happy for any and all fans. You should tell her about “Certain Prey” and to keep watching “NCIS.”

SF: I’ll be sure to do that. Thank you for taking the time to talk with me today.
MH: No problem! Have a good day. 

NCIS Official Site



ncis & john sanford novels

I love the show ncis. It is my favorite television show! Gibbs is my favorite fictitious character well Lucas Davenport & Leroy Jethro Gibbs are tied but they're both played by the same actor Thomas "Mark" Harmon. By the way. Are they going to make another movie based on the John Sanford "Prey" novels? If they are & Mark Harmon was in it I would totally watch it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (: because of that movie I started to read the prey novels! I first read phantom prey then rules of prey & then my step mom banned me from reading those books! D: The prey novels are exciting & gripping! If only my step mom would let me read the prey novels.

P.S.: if you will make another movie based on the prey novels I would hope it would be rules of prey! It was superb & it was a gripping case!

P.S.S.: I hope I can be as good of a writer as John Sanford & meet Mark Harmon & John Sanford!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are both superb at what they do!!!!!!!!
I heart you both <<<333 (;

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