>> Pixar's Monsters University Moves To 2013

Source: Empire

Despite the fact that Pixar has been talking up its Monsters, Inc prequel Monsters University recently, including announcing Dan Scanlon as the director, it would appear that the company has decided to give it a little more time in class before it graduates, moving its US release to June 21, 2013.

It’s an interesting move for Pixar, as it represents the company backing away from releasing two new movies in one year, and means that just one Pixar pic will now arrive next year, with Brave in June 2012.

Monsters University’s plot is largely locked in the Pixar protection vault, but the team have announced that it’ll follow the early days of Mike and Sulley’s friendship in college, including the fact that it started out with the pair unable to stand each other. Over at the Pixar Blog, meanwhile, they’ve dug up the movie’s logo, which you can see below.


The Hollywood Reporter notes that Disney – which of course owns Pixar – has slid its own, in-house animated production, Reboot Ralph into that slot.

Ralph will follow the adventures of an 8-bit arcade game character that is worried that everything he knows will soon be in the recycle bin. Until, that is, he finds a way to break into modern-day video games.


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