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Los Lonley Boys: Revelation


(Los Lonely Boys)
Release Date: 
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Los Lonely boys is an award winning band that blew up and seemed to never stop going forward. Alas, I never listened to any of their music aside from when they joined Carlos Santana. Not that I didn’t want, I just didn’t have the time. So when the bands latest album popped up in my workload I was interested. By the end of the first track I was hooked. 
The bands latest album seems to have been treated with kid gloves. They took on a collaborator to help them flesh out their music to it’s full potential. The band went out and got producer Don Gehman of R.E.M. fame and together they put together an album that sounds amazing both where passion and it’s technical aspect is concerned. 
What I really loved about the album is that the band allows themselves to drift in and out of music styles. On one track you’ve got a real reggae vibe to it, on another it’s Americana but with a Motown feel on the vocals. On top of the already stellar craftsmanship of their musical range, vocally they are amazing. 
I had a great time sitting in my living room with my headphones on (own really great headphones people, please) and taking in every intricate guitar strum, every vocalized inch of harmony, and just taking in the lyrical that is both satisfying but doesn’t get in the way of the music. It really feels like a complete album of music that is going to stand the test of time for the band. I highly suggest. 
AJ Garcia
Review by AJ Garcia
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