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Mistress: Pilot (PREVIEW)


Regular Air Date: 
Mondays @ 10/9C
Air Date: 
Monday, June 3, 2013

Based on the BBC drama of the same name, Mistresses looks to be ABC’s answer for the vacant spot left by their one time leading late night soap opera Desperate Housewives. Stars Alyssa Milano (Charmed), Rochelle Aytes (Detroit 187), Jes Macallan (Justified), and Yunjin Kim (LOST).

Mistresses starts right out of the gate gimmicky. Sex sells, why not three of the women in the show straight into it. Yeah, it’s basic late night TV stuff but once we break away from sex things start to fall into place relatively fast, and the sex manages to reveal some important things.

Savannah (Milano) is attempting to have a baby with her husband. Unfortunately they’re having complications and when its revealed that Savannah’s husband is to blame their relationship hit’s a rough patch. To be quite honest, Milano’s opening sex scene is made all the more incredibly humorous and a bit sad.

Karen (Kim) is a psychiatrist who has begun an illicit love affair with a married client, a client who has revealed that he is sick and dying. When he confesses his love to Karen she can’t refuse him her own confession, but when he asks her to help him die when the time comes…well, things seem pretty complicated.

Josslyn (Macallan) isn’t much of a character. She’s the tall blonde with long legs and a decent body. She pretty much sells the sex on the show without much purpose but to add in some awkward comic relief (so far). Her character has shown a little depth, but mostly she’s a sorority girl type.

Finally we have April (Aytes). April’s husband has passed and April has been receiving odd phone calls. No one is speaking, but she takes it as a sign that her dearly departed husband doesn’t want her to move on just yet. Turns out her husband had a few skeletons in his closet when he died that have back to haunt April, and at the worst most inopportune time.

For what it is it makes for decent prime time soap opera entertainment. I wouldn’t suggest reading anything about the original series from the BBC or you may ruin it for yourself and make the show kind of useless. From what I read this version follows the original pretty close. If you avoid that you should end up enjoying it. Everyone, aside from Macallan, give great performances. I had my doubts about Milano as she’s never really wowed me in anything she’s done, but she shows good range here. As usual Yunjin Kim gives a terrific performance, I think she’s already proven herself a great actress in her roll in LOST, and Aytes is a beauty to lay you’re eyes upon as well as a solid actress that makes for a great April. So if you miss Desperate Housewives and you’re looking for something somewhat like it, I would suggest checking out Mistresses. 

AJ Garcia
Review by AJ Garcia
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