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Nothnegal: Nothnegal


Release Date: 
Saturday, September 7, 2013

Nothnegal has made some changes to their sound in their New Self titled E.P. which features new lead singer Affan and new guitarist Chippe (Serenity Dies) who sits in on the album for usual guitar player Fufu. The new sound disembarks from their use of synths and also incorporates a clean vocal approach. So how does it sound?

The first track on the four track E.P. is titled Actuality. I couldn’t help but think of Tool when the song was over and done with. The track has some amazing guitar and bass work partnered with a dark percussion feel. My second or third go around with the album I was able to appreciate the track for what it is though. Driving guitars, an underlying gloomy bass line and drums combined with Affan’s fresh vocal contributions that are both haunting and more accessible as they go the clean route rather then former singer Avo’s clean/growl tandem.

Track 2, Rannamaari, really hits on the theme of the album which is to touch on topics that have to do with the supernatural realm, paranormal experiences and or possessions, as well as discuss the folklore of the Maldivian Islands. The track revolves around some dark themes such as summoning otherworldly beings and conjuring dark symbols. It gives the track overall darker feel then the rest of the album.

Viha is the third track on the album that is a different language. Be that as it may I’m used to appreciating music I cannot understand, as far as vocals go. Either way the vocal work is hauntingly beautiful and melodic even if you can’t understand it unless you speak the bands language.

The albums closer is titled Flux Plane, a track that makes use of the Boduberu (log drum) and is an instrumental track with vocals being used more as an instrument, more chanting then anything. Like the rest of the album it has a very dark sound to it that’s deliberately slow and layered with sound, the drums really being the focal point of the album.

I have to be honest, I really enjoyed the bands last outing. It was a fine balance of metal, a good use of industrial like synths (Fear Factory), and vocal work that offered up range that was both experimental as well as traditional. I did miss the synth sound the bands last album had (Decadence) and felt (hoped) that this EP was just nod to the fans and metal genre that the band was still working on new material for a follow up. Sadly, I felt like, while this album was pretty good, it did tend to lean on formulas that have been used time and time again by bands like Godsmack, Tool, and possibly even Korn. Lyrically the album had some interesting concepts but everything else seemed a bit done. It’s a great metal album mind you, but as far as separating itself from what’s already been done before, the self titled E.P. leaves a lot to be desired, especially after Decadence. 

AJ Garcia
Review by AJ Garcia
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