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Raindance: New Blood

New Blood

Release Date: 
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Did You Know?

The band was originally titled Outrage.

You wait around for awhile to find bands that just kind of throw formula out of the window. Raindance is one of those bands. Part hardcore, part grunge, part wtf?

The bands new album New Blood, is a six track monster of primal aggression. It’s got some of that old school slow hardcore mentality, angry spitting vocals, a kind of familiar guitar sound that reminds me of Helmet and or Clawfinger, and somehow a pinch of early Nirvana in there. In any case, whatever it sounds like, it comes off as an album you wouldn’t want to meet in a dark alley anytime soon.

What really captures your attention is the brutal straight forwardness of the lyrics, the bizarre techno type coat tails as a song fades away, the strange tempo change throughout the album, but the guitar work mostly. Like a flittering bird across the soundscape or a rabid dog barking its head off as it snaps at your legs, to even a grungy like vibe sounding ominously out of place but somehow managing to work.

Words can hardly describe the album in it’s entirety. It probably wont be for everyone, especially since so many people enjoy the cookie cutter stuff, but this album, fuck. Brutal, honest, different. Get some and give it a go. 

AJ Garcia
Review by AJ Garcia
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