>> Lee Scratch Perry: Rise Again (2011)

Artist: Lee Scratch Perry

Album: Rise Again

Members: Ejigayehu, Lee Scratch Perry, Tunde Adebimpe

Genre: Reggae/Ska

Label: M.O.D. Technologies

Tracks: 11

Type: LP

Release Date: May 10, 2011

Discs: 1

Rating: 1.80 (out of 4.00)

Grade: C-

Official Site

Lee "Scratch Perry brings together a mixed group of performers from varied parts of the globe and musical genres to put together a mellow feel to this musical endeavor. While listening you seem to keep a laid back feeling going strong throughout the whole CD.

The CD starts with the song "Higher Level" a very mellow and laid back track that makes you feel at ease and had my foot tapping. The CD keeps that easy pace till the middle of the CD, where it picks up the beats and becomes faster with the song "Orthodox" and stays that way through the song "Wake the Dead". "Wake the Dead"  had to be my favorite of the tunes, with its flowing trumpets as back beats it set this song apart from the rest. After this song the CD seems to fall back into that slow tempo, seeming to want to drag you back to the mellow flows from before. Almost as if the artists wanted you to feel mellow, docile and a little too relaxed at the end.

While reggae purists may find this effort an exceptional group of songs, I myself, only found a few I would add to a play list. If your a reggae fan with a love of the genre, then this is for you. But if you are new to the beats and tempos I might tell you this isn't the CD for you.


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