>> Blood Creek (2010)

Title: Blood Creek

Genre: Horror, SF Allnighter, Suspense

Starring: Dominic Purcell, Henry Cavill

Director: Joel Schumacher

Studio: Lionsgate

Runtime: 90 minutes

Release Date: January 19, 2010

Format: DVD

Discs: 1

MPAA Rating: R

Rating: 3.90 (out of 4.00)

Grade: A-

Bonus Features


In the 1930’s a German family, the Wollners, were attempting to make a living in West Virginia as farmers and were struggling to make ends meet. But then they are contacted by members of the Third Reich and offered a large amount of money to allow a member to live with them while conducting some research. Flash forward to the present. Evan is a paramedic living in the shadow of his missing brother, Victor. When Victor mysteriously appears he rambles off bits and pieces of a story about being held captive on a farm and needing to go back to set things right. Willing to help out a brother that he could not find so many years ago Evan takes off with Victor only to discover the true horror that is behind the cursed farm.

“Blood Creek” was a surprise to me, and a good one at that. I saw that this was from Lionsgate, was a limited theatrical release and a horror movie. I get these in almost every week to review and they are mostly uninspired, cookie-cutter, low budget, quickly released DVD’s. While I don’t think that this was strong enough to be a theatrical release and should have been straight to DVD it far exceeds many of the others in the straight to DVD genre which I think has something to do with the acting and directing.

The story is interesting mixing of the Nazis fascination with the occult, present day, and an element of horror. Dominic Purcell is pretty much the same person he is in everything, not showing much range here but for the character he plays it works. Henry Cavill who I love in “The Tudors” helps carry the movie giving the acting a leg-up to most of the other inexpensive horrors out there. There is some explanation given about what is going on but nothing fully in-depth. Most is left up to you to piece together out of the info you get.

Might not be enough violence/blood/gore/torture to please full on horror fans, or enough look into the occult to please full on supernatural fans; but the mixture offers something somewhat new and is certainly worth renting.


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