>> The Crazies (2010)

Title: The Crazies

Genre: Horror

Starring: Timothy Olyphant, Radha Mitchell, Joe Anderson, Danielle Panabaker

Director: Breck Eisner

Studio: Overture Films

Runtime: 103 minutes

In Theatres: February 26, 2010

MPAA Rating: R

Rating: 2.30 (out of 4.00)

Grade: C

Official Site


The Crazies isn't amazing or horrible; it's somewhere in the middle between sane and insane.

Zombie legend George A. Romero created the original Crazies back in 1973 and has passed the reigns on to director Breck Eisner for this 2010 remake. The film centers on a small farming town in Iowa where a governmental biological weapon has accidentally been released, affecting the townspeople and turning them violent and insane.

Local sheriff David Dutton and his wife, Judy (Timothy Olyphant and Radha Mitchell) are expecting a baby when all this goes down. It all began when a local farmer interrupted a baseball game brandishing a shotgun. What was first expected to be a simple case of drunkenness, ends up to be so much more.

Now the entire town is infected and the military has stepped in to attempt to contain the plague. Now those remaining must evade both the crazies AND the military as they plan on exterminating all who they believe are infected. This is one nightmare that David and Judy hope to survive.

This version is basically the same as the original with a few slight alterations but nothing significant. In fact, I don't really see that much a difference between the crazies and zombies. That's pretty much what this film is; another zombie flick. That's not a bad thing as you can never have too many zombies but there isn't anything new it brings to the genre.

Much of the film is watching the caravan of David, Judy, Russell and Becca roam the empty streets of the town looking for a way out. Occasionally they will run into either an infected or the military, building up the suspense for when they randomly appear for shock value. Naturally, the film can be pretty gruesome. Pitchforks through people, sewn up mouths and eyelids, and flaming bodies are just some of the bloodied scenes in the film.

If you're a fan of Romero's work, then you'll most likely enjoy this film. He wrote the script (and directed the original version) so many of his usual touches are present. The Crazies isn't amazing or horrible; it's somewhere in the middle between sane and insane.


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