>> The Rockford Files Movie Collection Volume 1 (2009)

Show: The Rockford Files Movie Collection

Season/Volume: Volume 1

Genre: Action/Adventure

Starring: James Garner, Joanna Cassidy, Dyan Cannon, Carmen Argenziano and Morton Downey Jr.

Studio: Universal Studios

Runtime: 364 Minutes

Release Date: November 3, 2009

Format: DVD

Discs: 2

Rating: 2.80 (out of 4.00)

Grade: B-

During the 70’s The Rockford Files was one of the biggest shows on television and actor James Garner was nominated for an Emmy several times, winning only once. During the 90’s the show attempted a comeback with a visibly older Garner back in the titular role. During this time several Rockford Files made for TV films were created and in this set you find the first four in their original 1:33:1 full screen aspect ratio. No bonus features included.

Rockford Files was a fantastic show, even though it was before my time I caught syndicated episodes of it and loved it. Not particularly Magnum P.I. or one of the hard nosed gumshoes of the early days of cinema but kind of an in between type who knew the law and how to bend it, just a little. In the four made for television films in this two disc set you have an aged but still tough Jim Rockford beginning with I Still Love L.A. which puts Rockford in the middle of the LA. Riots, not particularly to put that event at the forefront of the film, but as a backdrop that plays little into the investigation offering up scenery. If The Frame Fits finds Rockford under suspicion for the murder of a rival private eye and offers up a really great storyline. Sure Garner taking down guys bigger and younger then he is might be a bit of a stretch and there are times when the dialogue is so outdated and lame that you kind of have to roll your eyes but if you were ever a Rockford Files fan your going to want to add these films into your collection and at $19.49 for the set (@amazon) it’s a pretty good deal. Other films included are A Blessing In Disguise and Godfather Knows Best. Average run time for each is around an hour and a half. Enjoy.  


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