>> Neighbors from Hell (PREVIEW)

Show: Neighbors From Hell

Episode(s): Snorfindesdrillsalgoho

Genre: Anime, Comedy

Starring: Will Sasso, Molly Shannon, Patton Oswalt, David Soren, Tracey Fairaway, Kyle McCulloch

Network: TBS

Airdate/Time: June 7, 2010 10:00pm

Rating: 1.75 (out of 4.00)

Grade: D+

Official Site

Neighbors from Hell follows in line with the many other animated sitcoms that feature your not so average family trying to fit in with the rest of the world. This time around, it's a family straight from Hell.

Meet Balthazor Hellman and his wife Tina. They share two kids, Josh and Mandy, along with their demon dog Pazuzu and crazy uncle Vlaartark. Despite having a nice life down in the underworld, Satan decides to send the family up to Earth on a mission to research and destroy a drill that has the capacity to drill to the center of the Earth, exactly where Hell is located. They must blend in long enough to sabotage the drill and then get out without being caught.

The first question I had was "why can't Satan deal with this himself?" He has the ability to kill someone with the touch of a button and get Tina fired in an instant, yet he can't stop a drill? Come'on! At least be creative in explaining why he can't do it himself or something.

To tell you the truth, the show is mediocre at best. Aside from some comedic pop culture references and Pazuzu, there isn't much to take in from Neighbors from Hell. It's either completely random at times, thanks to their quirky dog loving (literally) neighbor Marjoe, or just bland. Of course, this it only going on the premiere episode so things could easily change. And by easily change I mean need to change. 


Neighbors from Hell

Watching Neighbors from hell was hell. Pure torture. Sad because it was truly well hyped.

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