>> Scare Tactics

Show: Scare Tactics

Genre: Comedy, Reality, Sci-Fi/Fantasy

Starring: Tracy Jordan

Network: SyFy

Airdate/Time: October 6, 2009 9:00pm

Rating: 3.75 (out of 4.00)

Grade: B+

Official Site

The set-up of Scare Tactics is so basic, it’s awesome. Prank your friends by putting them in scary situations and laugh your butt off at their reactions. It’s Punk’d meets The Twilight Zone…or any number of sci-fi or horror movies.

Hosted by Tracy Morgan, the second half of season two is premiering on Syfy next Tuesday, at 9pm. The first two episodes are hilarious, featuring scenarios in an insane asylum, a bus in the middle of the desert, and multiple doctors’ offices. I can’t tell you much more without giving something away, but suffice it to say that every prank involves plenty of screaming and fake distress (and blood) for everyone.

And that’s basically it. The effects used to pull off these stunts are, well, effective and the reactions on the part of the “victims” are a scream (literally and figuratively). I’m not usually one for reality TV, but stuff like this, that actually elicits a genuine response, is my cup of tea. I laughed quite a bit. Chances are good, you will too.


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