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Horror Classics


Scream is at once a slasher film and a tongue-in-cheek position paper on the "dead teenagers" movies of the late 1970s/early 1980s that plays as half-parody, half-tribute.... Read more

The Stepfather (1987)

Terry O'Quinn plays The Stepfather in this intelligent, unsettling chiller. We'd tell you O'Quinn's character name, but he has so many. You see, O'Quinn has been a stepfather many times over, romancing and marrying widowed women in several different states.... Read more

The Hitcher (1986)

Pretty boy actor C. Thomas Howell stars in this dark, violent suspense film about the strange psychological bond between a traveling serial killer and one of his intended victims.... Read more

Fright Night (1985)

Charley Brewster (William Ragsdale) is a huge fan of traditional Gothic horror films. He stays up late at night to watch the horror movie TV series "Fright Night" hosted by Hammer Horror style actor, Peter Vincent, who played a vampire killer for many years in horror movies.... Read more

Day of the Dead (1985)

Day of the Dead, the third and concluding chapter in George A. Romero's zombie trilogy is the most distinctly 1950s-style science fiction version of the lot.... Read more


What better to pass those insomniac nights than watch a good cheesy horror/ comedy/thriller like Ghoulies.  Ghoulies is the very essence of what this column is about.  It has that cheese-factor, unintential comedy and, to top it all off, some extremely amusing animatronic gargling monsters that l... Read more

A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)

A decade of wisecracking sequels have not diminished the power of this striking horror film from the director of Scream. Teenagers in a small town are dropping like flies, apparently in the grip of mass hysteria causing their suicides.... Read more

The Thing (1982)

Kurt Russell, Wilford Brimley, Keith David. A remake of the 1951 classic about a murderous alien that is found frozen in the Antarctic.... Read more

My Bloody Valentine (1981)

It's Valentine's Day in the tiny mining town of Valentine's Bluff, Nova Scotia, and for the first time in two decades the residents are planning a holiday dance.... Read more

Prom Night (1980)

This low-budget, tongue-in-cheek horror film of the slasher genre -- which had recently been popularized by Halloween (1978) -- stars that film's lead, Jamie Lee Curtis, as Kim Hammond, a prom queen who becomes a scream qu... Read more
