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Jeff Nichols


A pair of inquisitive adolescents encounter a charismatic drifter with an incredible story in this drama from Take Shelter writer/director Jeff Nichols.... Read more

Take Shelter

Curtis (Michael Shannon; Boardwalk Empire) has begun having apocalyptic dreams which have been manifesting themselves in the real world into paranoia and irrational behavior.... Read more

Take Shelter

It's hard to talk about what the word crazy really means these days, but Take Shelter aims to do just that. Curtis LaForche (Michael Shannon) is having to face that reality -- do his dreams of an apocalyptic storm and family members that turn on him mean he needs help?... Read more

Take Shelter

It's hard to talk about what the word crazy really means these days, but Take Shelter aims to do just that. Curtis LaForche (Michael Shannon) is having to face that reality -- do his dreams of an apocalyptic storm and family members that turn on him mean he needs help?... Read more