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Morgan Freeman

The Code (BLU-RAY)

Morgan Freeman and Antonio Banderas team up for a heist with Robert Forster hot on their trail in a film directed by Mimi Leder.  Sounds pretty good, right?  Oh, so very wrong.  The Code, AKA Thick as Thieves (the international release title) is a sad mash-up of every heist film... Read more

The Code

Morgan Freeman and Antonio Banderas team up for a heist with Robert Forster hot on their trail in a film directed by Mimi Leder.  Sounds pretty good, right?  Oh, so very wrong.  The Code, AKA Thick as Thieves (the international release title) is a sad mash-up of every heist film... Read more

Glory (BLU-RAY)

Glory is an incredible movie showcasing some of the best performances by the bevy of actors starring in the Edward Zwick film about the first black regiment in the Civil War. QUALITY: Good.  The picture is clear enough but the sound is incredible.... Read more


Glory is an incredible movie showcasing some of the best performances by the bevy of actors starring in the Edward Zwick film about the first black regiment in the Civil War. QUALITY: Good.  The picture is clear enough but the sound is incredible.... Read more

Wanted (Blu-Ray)

I wasn’t a big fan of Day Watch or Night Watch as I believe something was lost in the cultural differences but Wanted is so freaking entertaining that you will want to watch it again right after you finish it.... Read more

The Dark Knight

The follow-up to Batman Begins, The Dark Knight reunites director Christopher Nolan and star Christian Bale, who reprises the role of Batman/Bruce Wayne in his continuing war on crime. With the help of Lt.... Read more

The Dark Knight

Well the moment has finally come. Fans have been waiting for what seems like years for the sequel to the revamped Batman series.... Read more


A nervous and pathetic office worker monologues about his seemingly worthless life of acceptance when he is suddenly pulled into a world of hired killers.  While the film was fun and action packed there were just to many similarities to other films that ruined the experience for me.... Read more


A nervous and pathetic office worker monologues about his seemingly worthless life of acceptance when he is suddenly pulled into a world of hired killers.  While the film was fun and action packed there were just to many similarities to other films that ruined the experience for me.... Read more

The Bucket List

Carter Chambers lies in a hospital bed waiting to hear how long he has left and this is how he meets Edward Cole.  The two could not be more different (Carter Chambers has had to work hard his whole life to make ends meet and Edward Cole is a billionaire); but despite of their differences they ha... Read more
