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Adam Marsland: The Owl and the Full Moon

The Owl and the Full Moon

(Adam Marsland)
Release Date: 
Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Adam Marsland’s new album has a pretty interesting story behind it. Marsland, who spent most of his early life behind the scenes writing songs and working alongside acts like Earth Wind and Fire, The Beach Boys, and Three Dog Night, began to lose interest in being the man behind the curtain and reached a critical point where he simply stopped. Eventually depression kicked in and things got worse. This album is a direct result of his journey through the hard times that lasted fifteen years where Marsland doubted himself and his interested in music. Then, one magical night while out hiking, Marsland had an epiphany after seeing an owl fly across his path and perch itself in a tree nearby. This moment inspired him to take up his pen again and not only write songs, but perform them himself. The end result was The Owl and the Full Moon.

Marsland’s music is a toss up of blue eyed soul the likes of Van Morrison with a pinch of Roadhouse Blues with Classic Rock undertones. I’d be hard pressed to limit the overall sound of the album to just these three comparisons, but it can’t be denied that influence makes itself known on some tracks.

Marsland has that crooners voice that finds its way between free willing and showman. His range is focused, very well rehearsed, but you can tell this is a passion project that Marsland is treating both with kid gloves but still giving himself room to allow that passion to roam and just have fun with the material. That’s what makes the album so accessible. It’s well put together but so easy to relate to.

Be sure to check out Marsland’s music video for the album opener Contamination. It makes you wonder how much of it is Marsland poking fun at his own situation and how much truth is behind the video and song. Really enjoyable stuff. 

AJ Garcia
Review by AJ Garcia
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