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Amazing Ocean (BLU-RAY 3D)

Amazing Ocean

On Blu-Ray: 
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Running Time: 
50 Minutes

“Amazing Ocean” is a 50 minute documentary in 3D showcasing the vibrant life under the sea. With fitting and surprisingly good music in the background, they discuss the many species that live in the ocean. Everything is covered from clownfish to dolphins to turtles and trumpet fish. The visuals were average, but the 3D was very well done and amazingly sharp to the point that it felt like the fish were swimming in my living room. Also, the documentary’s pacing was surprisingly fast, which kept it interesting and moving smoothly from beginning to end.

However, there were several gripes with “Amazing Ocean.” For instance, I thought the documentary was too short, at a running time of 50 minutes, and I wanted to see so much more. Also, even though they did provide some fun and interesting facts, the narrating was fairly cheesy and not as strong or professionally done as other documentaries I have seen before. Lastly, they did not include any special features besides the featured documentary. Overall, this was an okay documentary about ocean life, but I was hoping for so much more out of it. For those reasons, I am giving “Amazing Ocean” a “B-.” 

Paul Arca
Review by Paul Arca
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