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Aja Naomi King

Emily Owens, M.D.

At long last, Emily Owens feels like she is an actual grown-up. She can finally put her high school days as the geeky-girl-with-flop-sweats behind her.... Read more

Emily Owens M.D. (PREVIEW)

Emily Owens, M.D. isn't a bad show by any stretch. Now I realize that it sounds like I'm damning it with faint praise, but I have to admit that I had incredibly low expectations based on appearances.... Read more

Emily Owens M.D. (PREVIEW)

I’d like to say that Emily Owens M.D. is some breakthrough medical dramady that’s going to set the medical drama/comedy world aflame with a shot of new innovation, but I’m not going to.... Read more

Emily Owens M.D.

I’d like to say that Emily Owens M.D. is some breakthrough medical dramady that’s going to set the medical drama/comedy world aflame with a shot of new innovation, but I’m not going to.... Read more