>> The Rocker (2008)

Title: The Rocker

Genre: Comedy

Starring: Rainn Wilson, Christina Applegate, Josh Gad, Teddy Geiger, Emma Stone

Director: Peter Cattaneo

Studio: Fox Atomic

Runtime: 1 Hour, 42 Minutes

In Theatres: August 20, 2008

MPAA Rating: PG-13

Rating: 3.79 (out of 4.00)

Grade: B+

Robert Fishman aka “Fish” is living the rocker life. Always looking for that chance to leave his desk job, he may have found it when his nephew comes to him with a proposal to be the drummer in his high school band A.D.D.  Fish (Rainn Wilson) never grew up. Once a member of the now famous Vesuvius everything has turned south and 20 years later he is out of a job, living with his sister. When the drummer for A.D.D. can’t play at the bands Prom gig, Fish joins Matt (Josh Gad), Curtis (Teddy Geiger), and Amelia (Emma Stone). When a video of them pops up on YouTube, their popularity skyrockets and a record deal is thus produced. With a once in a lifetime opportunity (twice for Fish), the band tours the country, showing just how rockin’ A.D.D. can be.

Think School of Rock but instead of Jack Black, we have Wilson. His carefree, rocker attitude is reminiscent of Black right down to the goofy facial expressions when performing. What sets this film apart is they well scripted humor as well as some fairly decent music. Wilson brings his usual The Office style humor adding in some follies and bruisings which only add to the comedy. There are some hilarious musical references including Moby, Ashlee Simpson, The Eagles, and more. It was the subtle jokes that made this film. All the other band members played their parts well. Josh Gad was awkwardly humorous with his geeky nerd ensemble and although Emma Stone played the stereotypical “hot chick,” she had her moments. Teddy Geiger has an excellent singing voice, giving life to the songs on stage. They were actually enjoyable to listen to, specifically “Bitter.”

There were a variety of actors on set including Christina Applegate, Will Arnett, Jason Sudeikis, and even a cameo from Pete Best, a former member of The Beatles who endured a similar fate. Each contributed their own style of comedy for the screen, favoring Sudeikis somewhat more over the rest. I would have liked to seen more of Arnett and possibly less of Applegate though. Overall, if you want to see Rainn Wilson in one of his best movie roles, or just some rockin’ music, catch The Rocker in theaters.


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