>> Man From Atlantis (2011)

Title: Man From Atlantis

Edition: Standard

Genre: Action/Adventure, Drama, Sci-Fi, Suspense, Television

Starring: Patrick Duffy, Victor Buono, Art Lund, Belinda J. Montgomery

Director: Lee H. Katzin

Studio: Warner Archives

Runtime: 366 minutes

Release Date: July 26, 2011

Format: DVD

Discs: 2

Rating: 1.58 (out of 4.00)

Grade: D+

Patrick Duffy plays Mark Harris, a man who can’t remember who is or where he came from. After he was found washed up on shore nearly dead, he was taken to the hospital where Dr. Elizabeth Merrill (played by Belinda J. Montgomery) is able to heal Mark before he can die. Forming a releationship with Dr. Merrill, Mark is starts to recall who he is and what he is capable of, which includes being able to survive in deep depths under the sea along with being able to swim at exceptional speeds. Mark is unlike anyone else, he’s the Man From Atlantis.

These 4 movies starring Patrick Duffy were aired from 1976-1977 for television where the plot is about a man who might be a survivor of the fabled lost city of Atlantis. Each of the movies features a plot with some mission he has to undertake like finding a missing submarine, having to fight some aliens, having to deal with space spores, and dealing with a mad scientist. With each of the episodes the character Mark Harris, which is the name given to him since he can’t remember his real name, discovers some new ability about himself as well as learning more about the surface world.
Man From Atlantis was 4 boring movies that had some horrible acting in it. I thought with it being Patrick Duffy that it would have been at least decent or interesting. Almost all the acting done by every actor, this includes Duffy, was poor and shoddy where the lines where said in choppy manner and very unbelievable. Though I could have dealt with watching it with the bad acting but the plots where so boring with nothing happening in them. With each movie I kept waiting for something to really happen but the majority of the movies are just shots of Patrick Duffy swimming around in some water or being in a tub.

What little action and plot these movies have does occur it didn’t matter because I was already bored by that point. With the first movie the character Mark is trying to remember who he is but all that happens is he swims a lot and at the end he finds a lost submarine. In the second he is walking around a lot as he tries to find people he believes are from Atlantis as well, and again most of the movie is of him swimming. What really made me not like these movies was the fact that Atlantis seemed to be only in the title and no where else. After watching the first one I was ready to be done with it but there are a total of 4 of these Man From Atlantis movies that after watching them all I realised that watching one was like watching them all. Each one is boring, each one features no action, each have slow plots, and each features acting that would fit a high school play instead of a movie made to be aired on NBC when it came out.


Man From Atlantis

Haha. This needed to stay away deep in a vault. Women watched it back then for him, probably no other reason. I would rather watch rocks!!!!

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